Category: Automotive

Anything Automotive related.

RGB/ADAC Rallye 2014

RGB/ADAC Rallye 2014   Well, it is difficult to believe that it was two weeks ago, but I have been busy.   Oh, I know that I could have posted this effortlessly on Facebook, but I am finished with providing content to support “Zuckerbucks.”  Nope, nope and NOPERS!  The content I post is my property.  Remember, …

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“Do you want to play a game?”

Well, it cannot be all Politics, Conspiracy Theories (otherwise known as “Critical Thinking), or Corruption.  Jep, I work as an auto mechanic.  An old auto mechanic.   I was not always an automobile mechanic by vocation, but that is a story for another time. As Markus would say:  “So it starts.”  Jep, with a “simple service …

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