Category: Uncategorized

RGB/ADAC Rallye 2014

RGB/ADAC Rallye 2014   Well, it is difficult to believe that it was two weeks ago, but I have been busy.   Oh, I know that I could have posted this effortlessly on Facebook, but I am finished with providing content to support “Zuckerbucks.”  Nope, nope and NOPERS!  The content I post is my property.  Remember, …

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Congratulations Mr. Trump. Maybe you can pull a “Garfield.”

Danger, Danger, Will Robinson!!!  This is a warning that there will be tons of sarcasm, facetiousness, cynicism and a bit of BRUTAL Truth ALERT!  Be warned.   Congratulations.  (Kind of) As if there were any doubt that you would be the Republican Nominee to run against Joe Biden again.   There is an old concept of management …

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“Do you want to play a game?”

Well, it cannot be all Politics, Conspiracy Theories (otherwise known as “Critical Thinking), or Corruption.  Jep, I work as an auto mechanic.  An old auto mechanic.   I was not always an automobile mechanic by vocation, but that is a story for another time. As Markus would say:  “So it starts.”  Jep, with a “simple service …

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Jeepers Tucker, Kudos.

Tucker goes to Russia…Wowsers. I have to give it up to Tucker for having the chops to go to Russia, and interviewing Mr. Putin.  Jep, I watched the whole thing.  To clear things up from the get-go, I was for a long time no fan of Tucker.  His whiny, nasal voice got on my nerves, and …

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Where the mother fording Ford is the OUTRAGE?

Well Pilgrim, I guess that I have reached the tipping point. Really, if you are not outraged, you are not paying attention. Not my favourite source for news, but… As my Father-in-Law once said, when looking over the field of decimation in Saint Petersburg, he said, “Die Kacke ist am Dämpfen.” In proper English, “The …

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Crikey, it has been a while since I have posted anything. This has to change.

Sorry, no pictures, and no links, I need to blaze through this since my “Ultraman light is blinking.” Well, once upon a time Sherman, I was given the task to “Change the world, and make it better.” That would have been in the 1970’s or so. I sang duets in Church, and was also told …

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The water is getting warm. Facebook is one of the pots in which the frog feels very comfortable.

I will make a quick summary. Once upon a time, the reason I posted on Facebook was to keep Reverend Dr. Mom and my family informed of my progress and life here in Germany. This went well. Crikey, even through the whole Trump Presidency, I really had no problem. There are many friends who doughnut …

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Absolutely, apoplectic

Jeepers. I need to catch my breath. I thought that it was going to be an easy day, Sure I have been ill, but I thought that I could get started on a few batches of Christmas Cookies, and maybe, just perhaps could finish my article on my observations on the “Matrix.” I am absolutely …

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It’s the end of the World as we know it.

Sorry that it has been a while, but I have a real life, and I have been spending too little time with my wife. One of her major complaints is that I spend so much time reading. I made the mistake of not being aware of what was going on back in 2007 and 2008, …

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Jeepers! I am going to kick the hornet’s nest on this one.

This might take a bit to get to the point. Please be patient. Way back when, oh, well over 40 years ago I met a man, Ed Quay. He was never one to suffer fools gladly. I was a young pup and a fool. We did not hit it off, and he sent me packing. …

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